"Matlox:" An 18th Century Bigfoot Report?

Jose Mariano Mocino was a naturalist born in Temascaltepec de Gonzalez, Mexico in 1757. I wouldn't be surprised if you'd never heard of him before, I hand't until recently. Why, you may be wondering, am I writing a post about him on a cryptozoology blog?

Well, its because once he mentioned something that sounds like it could be a Sasquatch.

At one time in his life, Mocino explored what is today the Pacific Northwest (California, Oregon, Washington, and British Columbia.) While there, he ran into the native people.

In his book Noticias de Nutka: An Account of Nootka Sound in 1792, he writes about a creature that the natives knew about, and which they referred to as the Matlox. In his book, Mocino states that the Matlox was not a human or a bear, the two (known) species it sounds most like.

Here is what Mocino said about the Matlox:

"I do not know what to say about Matlox, inhabitant of the mountainous district, of who all have and unbelievable terror. They imagine his body as very monstrous, all covered with stiff black bristles; a head similar to a human one, but with much greater, sharper, and stronger fangs than those of a bear, extremely long arms; and toes and fingers armed with long curved claws. His shouts alone (they say) force those who hear them to the ground, and any unfortunate body he slaps is broken into a thousand pieces."

Mocino's description sounds decidedly like a Bigfoot. Lets look at the similarities.

  • The Matlox has "stiff black bristles" all over its body, which would probably mean "covered in hair"
  • He says that the Matlox has a human-like head, with bear-like fangs, but is neither man nor bear
  • The Matlox has "extremely long arms." Almost all Bigfoot witnesses say the creatures they saw had arms that extend down to the knees (or below)
  • Mocino notes that the creature has toes and fingers, which probably means it has feet and hands similar to a human's
  • Mocino notes that the creature has very loud shouts. So do Bigfoots.
  • Mocino notes that "any unfortunate body he slaps is broken into a thousand pieces," which would mean the Matlox has great strength. Bigfoots do too.

 With all that said, I think that Mocino's description of the "Matlox" is probably a very early description of a Bigfoot. Just another piece of evidence (that science and skeptics will ignore) that shows that the Bigfoot phenomenon is nothing new.
