Finding Bigfoot Cancelled? Yes? No? Maybe?

What's going on with Finding Bigfoot? That's the question in the Bigfoot world right now.

Those who watch the show will have noticed that there haven't been new episodes the past two weeks.

Johnny Bigfoot had a post about it on his Bigfoot Research News blog yesterday, and Craig Woolheater posted a piece on the same subject on Cryptomundo earlier today. Craig asked Cliff, Bobo, and Matt about the rumor.

Cliff said:

"No, we aren't cancelled. In fact, we are filming more episodes this summer. The programming folks at Animal Planet have made some decisions about how to best support Finding Bigfoot based on the data, and they are moving ahead with their plan. Luckily this has little to do with me, so I can just focus on bigfooting."

"No, viewers were pissed about the night change and advertisers buy slots ahead of time so they have to go through current cycle. Or something like that. We're filming all summer."

Matt M.:

"Animal Planet is holding the remaining episodes for next season to add to the new ones that they are currently filming in order to air them back on the original air time of Sunday nights."

So no, Finding Bigfoot is apparently not cancelled.

Honestly, I don't really watch the show anymore, but I'm glad it's still going. Now, this doesn't mean I have anything against Cliff, Matt, Bobo, and Ranae, but over the years the format of a Finding Bigfoot episode has gotten a little too repetitive for me. And they'll never find a Bigfoot while filming the show anyway.

I'll just go see them at Bigfoot conferences instead.


  1. I love to watch finding bigfoot. I have really missed it lately. Any idea when it will be back on?

    1. They're filming some new episodes over the summer, so I'm betting that it will be back sometime late this year or early next year. They're also filming a show about the menehune in Hawaii, but I don't know if that will be a special or a Finding Bigfoot episode. It is supposed to air late this year.


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