"Goat-Suckers," The Moca Vampire, and Chupacabras: Tales of Terrifying Blood-Sucking Beasts

Just about everyone has probably at least heard of the Chupacabras, but what exactly are these blood-sucking monsters? Truthfully, no one knows. But, they have been reported for twenty (or possibly forty) years. In this post, I will document the history of the Chupacabras, starting with the Moca Vampire.
Moca Vampire


Chupacabras reports really first started coming from Puerto Rico in 1995, but for a full history, we need to go back another twenty years.

In February of 1975, many people in Moca, Puerto Rico were in a state of fear, because they would go outside in the morning and find their farm animals dead. Cows, pigs, goats, and chickens were found slaughtered.
Location of Moca in Puerto Rico

Farmers were terrified and angry at the same time. The police tried to blame the attacks on wild dogs, but nobody really believed that. By the first week of March, about three dozen animals had been killed by the mysterious attacker. And then someone actually saw it.

Maria Acevedo spotted the thing on her roof. It was a winged monster that was about five feet tall, and was screeching the whole time. Acevedo described it as being similar to a pterosaur in appearance. Soon after, Cecilio Hernandez called police to say that more than thirty of his chickens had been killed, presumably by the Moca Vampire.

After Hernandez reported his dead birds, two huge snakes were killed In Moca before they attacked a cow. Some felt that the "Moca Vampire" was dead. But what about Maria Acevedo's description of the weird winged beast?

Notice any similarities between the Moca Vampire and the Chupacabras? They are obviously very similar, if they are not the same thing.

Lots of animals were killed by the Moca Vampire in 1975, and it was only a precursor of what was to come twenty years later.


1995 was the year of the Chupacabras. All across Puerto Rico, farm animals were found slaughtered, mutilated, and drained of blood.

In March of that year, the Puerto Rican towns of Orocovis and Morocvis were plagued by a livestock-killing monster. Just like with the Moca Vampire, bodies of chickens, goats, sheep, and other livestock were found dead and drained of blood. Often there was one puncture wound on the neck, and no other marks on the victims. Killings continued all year. More than 150 livestock animals were killed in Canovanas, but no one seen the thing that was doing the killing.

The first person to actually see the killer was Madelyne Tolentino. Tolentino was helping her mother move in early August 1995, and one time while at the new location saw a frightened man in a car. She thought someone was about to mug him, so she went up to a big glass window and looked outside.

Tolentino spotted something walking on two legs. But whatever this was was not a human.

The thing was about four feet tall, and had eyes that appeared to have no pupils. (Tolentino said they were constantly moving from side to side.) It was holding its long arms in an "attack position," "as though it were a TV monster," Tolentino said. It had three fingers with claws on each hand, and had short hair all over its body. The witness also noted that the thing had marks all over it like it had been burned by something.

The legs on the creature were "long and skinny" and it had three toes on each foot, "like a goose's foot." Tolentino also noted that it seemed to have something like "feathers" on its back. These "feathers" laid flat the whole time and did not move. The creature, Tolentino said, walked in "robot-like movements, as if it was being controlled by someone."

When the creature looked Tolentino in the eyes, she screamed, and her mother came running over. At that point, the thing started running, a run Tolentino described as "it kind of hopped, like a kangaroo. But it wasn't a kangaroo!" It ran off into the woods, and Tolentino's mother ran after it.

A boy who worked for Tolentino's husband was also there and went after the creature. He tried to grab it, and the "feathers" on its back whipped up at him. He described them as "spines" and said they changed color. He also saw fangs and teeth in its mouth. Another neighbor also saw this, and when Tolentino's mother yelled "catch it," the creature started moving much faster, and its feet didn't touch the ground. It seemed to be flying "as if it had been suspended in the air."

Chupacabras drawing based on witness descriptions

That was the end of that encounter, but Tolentino would see the creature again.

On January 4, 1996, she was returning from K-Mart when she smelled a terrible odor and saw the creature standing in the middle of the road. It's eyes looked right at her and "glowed like fire."

She sped home and told her husband that she saw the creature again. He hurried out to the spot with her uncle, and they saw the thing, too.

When they first got there, there was no sign of the Chupacabras. They searched and were about to give up when they did spot it, coming back the opposite direction Madelyne saw it going. It was floating above the ground slowly, defying the laws of gravity.

Madelyne Tolentino's sightings were the first of many. In 1995 and 1996, many people in Puerto Rico reported seeing the creature and finding dead livestock. There were also reports of UFOs at the same time.
Are Chupacabras and UFOs related?

Chupacabras were not just being seen in Puerto Rico, however. During the same time period, there were a number of encounters in the United States.


A Sweetwater, Florida, resident named Teide Carballo was one of the first witnesses in the United States. She spotted an "inhuman shape" moving through her yard on March 10, 1996. A few weeks later, another resident of Sweetwater, Olimpia Govea, found 27 of her chickens and 2 of her goats dead, killed by something unknown. Local officials told her dogs had killed the animals, but she didn't believe it. Whatever had killed them didn't eat the carcasses and left them bloodless. Govea's son and daughter-in-law also spotted something like Teide Carballo had seen moving by their bedroom window. A month after the animal killings, the Govea family heard a loud noise in the middle of the night and saw lights outside that they thought were coming from something trying to land on their property. Another possible link with UFOs?

On March 11, 1996, a woman spotted something attacking animals, also in Florida. She did not give a description, but said it wasn't human and had a weird way of walking. She watched it walk off into a row of banana plants.

An May 1, 1996, police in Tucson, Arizona, received a call from a man named Jose Espinoza. He claimed that something with large, red eyes, a pointed nose, and "shriveled features" had entered his home, slammed a door, and jumped on his seven-year-old son, before hopping out a window. The police found footprints and handprints, but matched most of them to Espinoza's son.

Espinoza may not have been lying, however, because the next day a dozen sheep and goats in the area were found dead. Whatever killed them had also tried to kill several cows. A farmer saw the attacker and shot it with a rifle, but the attacks continued night after night.

In the middle of May, Sylvia Ybarra, from Donna, Texas, found her goat dead with puncture wounds in its neck.

A man in California said the Chupacabras bit his hand while he was sleeping. He belt something tugging on him and woke up and saw a shadowy figure disappear from the window right by him. He was puzzled by how something could get up there - he lived in a third story apartment! Was it a Chupacabras flying?

It might seem scary to have something like the Chupacabras, but would you believe me when I say there is another creature called the Chupacabras seen in the U.S.A.? This kind, however, is not something that looks like an alien, it is of the canine type.


The second kind of animal called "Chupacabras" in the United States is also called a Texas Blue Dog. Why? Well, lots of reports come from Texas, and the things have blue-ish colored skin. They are also hairless.
Texas Blue Dog

Last year, I had some posts here on Tyler's Cryptozoo (see here and here) about a Texas couple said the captured a "Chupacabras," bit it most likely was a raccoon with mange.

Earlier this year, another Texas man said he had a dead Chupacabras. He said he captured it on his property in late May, and said it was "like nothing I've ever seen." He kept the thing in a freezer and let journalists and wildlife experts look at it. He let some of them run tests on its DNA. Was it a Texas Blue Dog Chupacabras?

The dead "Chupacabras."
From the Huffington Post

The DNA tests came back as a coyote with mange. Mange is a skin disorder that causes animals to lose hair, and most of the time that is what causes the look of the Texas Blue Dogs. Are they Chupacabras? Nope!


What are the Chupacabras, anyway?

Like I said at the beginning of this post, no one really knows. If they did I most likely wouldn't be blogging about it anyway. Lets take a look at some theories.

The Chupacabras can't just be a hoax. Something has been killing animals all over the world for many years, leaving punter wounds like a vampire in the necks of their victims and draining all of the victim's blood.

Some have suggested that Chupacabras are monkeys, (for more monkey Chupacbaras, see this post and this post from earlier this year) but how could that explain how the animals were killed? And how does it explain eyewitness sightings of the strange creatures? Last time I checked, monkeys don't have spikes on their backs, and I don't think they can fly, either!

The Texas Blue Dogs are most likely only coyotes with mange, and we already went over that, so I don't have anything else to say about them.

Some think Chupacabras are some sort of alien creature. There have been UFO reports and Chupacabras reports at the same place during the same time period. The two could be connected. Ad for now, though, we just don't know.

One last theory is that the Chupacabras are some sort of secret government experiment gone wrong. That could be true, also.


If you want to find out even more on the Chupacabras, I have links to some good resources below.
My article on Chupacabras is
in this magazine

A section in my book Cryptid U.S.: Tales of Bigfoot, Lake Monsters, and More From Across America is on the Chupacabras (pages 138-143) and has stuff on the first sightings in the nineties and also info on some earlier and more recent encounters. I also have an article on the cryptid in issue three of Cryptid Seekers Magazine.

Just yesterday, Nick Redfern's book Chupacbara Road Trip: In Search of the Elusive Beast was published, and although I haven't read it yet (just got it today), it looks very good. Linda S. Godfrey's American Monsters and Scott Corrales' Chupacabras and Other Mysteries are also very good and are worth a look.
Great book on the subject!

If you ever go to Puerto Rico, be sure to keep your eyes peeled for the Chupacabras!

I wouldn't want to be that goat….
