Small Town Monsters Casefiles - Ep. 5 and 6

Two new episodes of Small Town Monsters' Casefiles series are up on YouTube.

The first is called "The Mothman's Lair:"

"In 1966 and 1967 a red-eyed, winged being was seen over 100 times near the town of Point Pleasant, WV. Many of the most infamous sightings occurred in and around an abandoned munitions manufacturing facility known as the TNT area. Now, learn about the truly bizarre history of this locational from its hidden native burial sites to its ties to Area 51!"

Episode six is called "Traces of the Boggy Creek Monster:"

"In the late 60's and early 70's, reports of a hairy, bipedal 'monster' stalking the swamps of Southern Arkansas began to surface. Thought by many to be  little more than a fable or folktale, the Boggy Creek Monster has become one of the south's most famous legends. But what does it mean, when a legend leaves behind evidence of its existence?"
