Book Review: Sea Serpent Carcasses - Scotland by Glen Vaudrey

Today I finished up Glen Vaudrey's book Sea Serpent Carcasses - Scotland: From the Stronsa Monster to Loch Ness. The book is an examination of odd remains that were thought to be sea serpents that have washed up in Scotland from the years 906 to 2011. The book was published by CFZ Press in 2012.

Notable accounts include:

  • The "Giant Woman" of 906
  • The Stronsa Monster
  • The Hunda Monster
  • The Girvan Monster
  • The Orkney Monster
  • A Captured "Loch Ness Monster" in the 1970s
  • Loch Ness Hoaxes from the 2000s
  • And more.
The Stronsa Monster (1808)...

…And the Girvan Monster (1953),
both basking sharks

While its not the longest book in the world (coming in at 112 pages before bibliography, etc.) and isn't the most well-written book I have ever read (although I have certainly read worse!), I would definitely recommend Sea Serpent Carcasses - Scotland to anyone interested in the subject. It is one of two on the subject I have found (the other is Michael Newton's Globsters, also published by CFZ) and will be extremely helpful in researching cases for my book I am currently working on, called Global Globsters: An Examination of "Sea Monster" Carcasses from Around the World.
