The Flying Monster of Chernobyl

On April 26, 1986, the Chernobyl nuclear plant in the Ukraine suffered a steam explosion and melted down, and now the area isn't safe for habituation and won't be for about another 20,000 years.

What does this have to do with cryptozoology, you may ask? The answer, possibly, is a lot. And you will now learn why...
Pripyat, a now-abandoned city, with the Chernobyl plant
in the background

Mostly everyone who researches cryptozoology, UFOs, etc knows about the Mothman, famously seen from 1966 to 1967 in and around Point Pleasant, West Virginia, USA. The Mothman was seen for thirteen months in conjunction with UFOs, Men in Black, and many other odd things. Then, on December 15, 1967, the Silver Bridge, spanning the Ohio River and connecting the Buckeye State to WV, collapsed. After that, all the odd occurrences ceased. Many blame the Mothman for the disaster, or say its appearances the 13 months leading to the collapse were an omen of doom.

Now, what does this have to do with Chernobyl? The answer is that, at the time leading up to the disaster, there were reports of a strange, flying something around the plant.

In early April 1986, the month the meltdown would occur, people around the nuclear plant began to report seeing a "large, dark, headless man" that had "gigantic wings" and "piercing red eyes." (Sound familiar?) Around the same time people were experiencing horrible nightmares and strange phone calls.

When the reaction and meltdown happened, those that managed to survive (but later died of radiation poisoning) reported seeing a "large, black, bird-like creature." The creature, they said, had a 20-foot wingspan and was seen flying through the smoke billowing from the reactor. After the disaster, no other sightings were reported.

The similarities between the black flying thing of Chernobyl and the Mothman of Point Pleasant are eerily similar. The descriptions, the other odd phenomena, the disasters... have led some to speculate that the two may actually have been the same thing.

What is interesting here is that reports of a mysterious, red eyed, flying man-like thing were reported around Chernobyl right before the disaster there along with people having terrible nightmares and getting strange phone calls. It is eerily similar to the sightings of the mysterious, red eyed, flying man-like thing of Point Pleasant, which came in conjunction with strange phone calls and lots of other odd things.

Maybe whatever the two creatures were/are (if they are not, possibly, the same thing) arrive here from wherever-they-are-from the warn us of impending disasters… If so, those of us who research these types of things should pay close attention if something like them is seen again…

Was something like Mothman seen near the
Chrenobyl nuclear plant?
("Spirit of '66" by Andy Finkle)
