Idaho Motorist Crashes Because of Bigfoot

A new report is circulating the news sites, claiming that a woman in Idaho hit a deer with her car because she saw a Sasquatch in the rear-view mirror.

"MOSCOW, Idaho - A northern Idaho woman told police she crashed into a deer because she was distracted by a sasquatch in her rearview mirror.
"The Moscow-Pullman Daily News reports that the 50-year-old Tensed woman was driving south on U.S. Highway 95 on Wednesday when she struck a deer near Potlatch.
"The woman told Benewah County Sheriff's officials that she saw a sasquatch chasing a deer on the side of the road while driving. She says she checked one of her mirrors to get a second look at the beast and when she looked up, the deer ran in front of her.
"Sheriff's officials marked the incident as a vehicle versus deer collision but did not report any evidence of Bigfoot."

Now this story may just be true, since Bigfoots have been reported many times hunting deer…

