Beyond Boggy Creek

Recently Lyle Blackburn posted news about his fourth book, set to be released early next year…

"My next book, titled 'BEYOND BOGGY CREEK: In Search of the Southern Sasquatch,' will be released by Anomalist Books early next year! It's and extension of my previous work in 'The Beast of Boggy Creek,' covering not only the latest encounters near Fouke, but also the history, sightings, and evidence for similar cases throughout the entire Deep South. The release date is tentatively set for February. I'll keep you posted as always. Thanks for your support!"
Lyle's other books…

The Beast of Boggy Creek: The True Story of the Fouke Monster

Lizard Man: The True Story of the Bishopville Monster

Monstro Bizarro: An Essential Manual of  Mysterious Monsters
With Lyle Blackburn...
