Making "Boggy Creek Monster" and More...

Seth Breedlove, director of the Small Town Monsters documentaries, has a recent post up on Cryptomundo about what is was like making the movies, which starts like this:

"Never before have I set down to write about my experiences making a Small Town Monsters movie. While making Minerva Monster I recall doing a bit of blogging here and there about the filming but I stopped not long into the editing precess and never revisited it. It seems fitting that I should take a few minutes and type down my thoughts on making my third movie, Boggy Creek Monster.
"In 2014 I first spoke with Lyle [Blackburn] about making a film about the Fouke Monster. This was around the time that Minerva Monster had just entered production and, at the time, that movie was envisioned as a short project that would end up posted to YouTube and subsequently forgotten. I certainly had no inkling that Minerva would end up nearly an hour long and, though I may have dreamed about making my Small Town Monsters book into a series of docs, I didn't consider it a possibility. Funny how that all played out...
"Anyway, Lyle mentioned creating a doc about Boggy Creek and I was instantly swept up by the idea. See, I loved Lyle's book, The Beast of Boggy Creek. In fact, it was one of the first books I'd read on the subject of cryptids, and one of the stories that triggered the thought process that lead to the creation of STM. I even have a signed The Beast of Boggy Creek poster, framed and hanging in the entryway to my office. To say I was a fan of Lyle's and the Fouke Monster would be entirely accurate, and potentially understated."

See the rest here.

