Lizard Men on the Loose!

Scape Ore Swamp, located near Bishopville, South Carolina, is infamous for sightings of a strange cryptid called the "Lizard Man." Sightings of the creature began in the 1980s, when people living in the area saw something that they described as human-like, but similar to a lizard.

The most famous sighting occurred on June 29, 1988, when Christopher Davis was coming home from working the night shift at a local McDonald's. As he was heading home around 2:30 a.m., his car got a flat tire. It was a bright, moonlit night, so he got out at the edge of Scape Ore Swamp to change the tire.

As Chris was putting his tools back in the trunk after changing the tire, he noticed something about 30 yards away from him. Whatever it was was walking towards him, swinging its arms.

Soon Chris could see that it was a "large, humanoid creature with glowing red eyes." He described it further, saying it was "green, 'wetlike,' and about seven feet tall, and had three fingers."

Chris jumped back into his car and took off, but the creature ran after him… and jumped on top of his car! Chris could see its fingers, which ended in black claws, in front of the windshield. Chris hit the gas and swerved the car, and the creature fell off.

That was not the end of the nightmare, however, because the thing got back up and kept chasing Chris!

The creature caught up and jumped on the car again, causing Chris to swerved madly, knocking it off again. Unsurprisingly, he sped out of the area.

When Chris got home he told his father, who went outside and saw scratch marks on the car and also saw that one of the mirrors was bent. They told the Bishopville sheriff about the encounter.

That was not the first Lizard Man sighting, and they continued throughout the 1980s and into the 1990s. There have even been a few in the 2000s.

In 2005, a woman who lived about 80 miles from Scape Ore Swamp called police and said she had seen not one, but two creatures that looked like Lizard Men. The police went to her house and found nothing. They began to question her sanity, and just said that the things "like to check in on humans from time to time" to calm her down.

In 2008, Bob Rawson from Bishopville found his car scratched up and bitten. 20 years earlier, people in the area had reported car damage, which some people thought was caused by the Lizard Man. The Rawsons also noticed that several cats had disappeared. Was the Lizard Man back?

Last year a photo appeared online that purportedly showed the Lizard Man, but it is an obvious (and I mean really obvious) hoax.

More on the Lizard Man can be found in my book Cryptid U.S.: Tales of Bigfoot, Lake Monsters, and More from Across America.

And, also check out Lyle Blackburn's excellent book Lizard Man: The True Story of the Bishopville Monster. 
