Mountain Monsters "Bigfoot of Central Kentucky: Squalling Savage"

The second episode of season four of Mountain Monsters airs tonight at ten on Destination America. Tonight's episode is "Bigfoot of Central Kentucky: Squalling Savage."

Here's the episode description:

"The AIMS team heads back to Central Kentucky where their quest began last season for a bigfoot known as the Midnight Whistler, which locals believe is at war with another bigfoot clan in the area known as the Squalling Savage. They find themselves caught in the middle of an epic territorial bigfoot battle both on the ground and in the trees. Worst of all, the team must take on the mission with one man sidelined after a brush with death."

Now the show even has warring Bigfoot clans. Fake but entertaining. : )

Be sure to check out Mountain Monsters: Bigfoot Edition tonight at 10 on Destination America.

Other episodes are airing leading up to the new one, starting at 4 PM.
