The Boston Yeti is Back

Last winter, Boston, Massachusetts had a record 9 feet of snow. During that time, the "Boston Yeti" appeared. No, he was not a real Bigfoot, but he was quite helpful, trying to cheer up everyone and even helping dig some cars out of the snow as high as a real Bigfoot. Nobody knows who he really is.

Apparently the Boston Yeti has come out of hibernation and was recently interviewed by the Associated Press, via email.

"A.P.: We haven't heard much from you since the snow melted in spring. How did your hibernation go?
"B.Y.: Hibernation provided all of the relaxation and rejuvenation I had hoped for! Believe it or not, I spent a lot of time at the movies, catching up on comedies and documentaries at the Brattle Theater. Under the dark of night I would also occasionally escape to a midnight movie at the Coolidge Theater. (Aside from that mostly just playing solitaire in the woods."

See more: The Weather Channel: "The Boston Yeti had Returned, Just in Time for Winter"
