Goatman: Flesh or Folklore? Reviewed

Tonight, I finished J. Nathan Couch's new book Goatman: Flesh or Folklore? I must say that it is very good! Couch wrote about something not usually seen in any books, not even cryptozoology books. Some other authors have written about Goatmen before, though.

This book covers sightings and legends of Goatmen from all across the USA. Creatures featured include the Lake Worth Monster, Pope Lick Monster, Beast of Billiwhack, Sheepsquatch, the Maryland Goatman, and many others.
Pope Lick Monster
Photo of the Lake Worth Monster taken by Allen Plaster

While most of the book is about folklore of Goatman and not so many actual sightings, it was still a very interesting read, and i think anyone with an interest in cryptozoology should check it out.
Beware the Goat Man!
