The Lake Worth Monster Bash is Tomorrow

The Lake Worth Monster Bash is happening tomorrow, October 4, from 10AM to 2 PM, at the Fort Worth Nature Center in Fort Worth, Texas. The event will celebrate the 45th anniversary of the Lake Worth Monster sightings in the summer of 1969.

The monster was commonly called "The Goatman" but some witnesses said it looked like a white bigfoot. Maybe it was albino.

Cryptozoologist Lyle Blackburn will be speaking about the Lake Worth Monster at 11 AM and 1 PM tomorrow. Lyle is the author of the books The Beast of Boggy Creek: The True Story of the Fouke Monster and Lizard Man: The True Story of the Bishopville Monster. He is currently working on a third book about Sasquatch in southern states. Lyle will also be a speaker at the Texas Bigfoot Conference on the 18th.

There is also a book out about the Lake Worth Monster, which has the creature's name as the title. The book was written by Sallie Ann Clarke when the monster was being spotted around Lake Worth. It is partly fictional but still good to have if you are interested in cryptozoology.

For more on the Lake Worth Monster Bash, click here.
