Monsters and Mysteries in America: Aliens!

Monsters and Mysteries in America: "Aliens Cloned My Husband, Alien Matrix, Betty and Barney Hill Alien Abduction" airs tomorrow night at 10. The series is airing all day starting at 2p.m.
At 2: "Appalacia"
At 3: "Ozarks"
At 4: "Pukwudgie, Aliens, Dover Demon"
At 5: "Skunk Ape, Pascagoula Aliens, Lizard Man"
At 6: "Wendigo, Dogman, Wolfman"
At 7: "Evil Gnomes, Bigfoot Wars, Hell Hounds"
At 8: "Batsquatch, Jersey Devil, Flying Humanoid"
At 9: "Sheepsquatch, Batsquatch, Sasquatch"
At 10: "Aliens Cloned My Husband, Alien Matrix, Betty and Barney Hill Alien Abduction"(NEW!)
At 11: "Batsquatch, Jersey Devil, Flying Humanoid"
At 12(a.m.): "Sheepsquatch, Batsquatch, Sasquatch"
At 1: "Aliens Cloned My Husband, Alien Matrix, Betty and Barney Hill Alien Abduction"
At 2: "Evil Gnomes, Bigfoot Wars, Hell Hounds"
At 3: "Pukwudgie, Aliens, Dover Demon"
At 4: "Skunk Ape, Pascagoula Aliens, Lizard Man"
