Raw Story: Bigfoot is a Demon

Raw Story is reporting that Bigfoot was recently brought up on a "Religious-right radio show." Hostess Janet Mefferd apparently asked guest Tim Dailey "how Christians should view Bigfoot."

And here's how Tim Daily explains Bigfoot:

It's real. It's a projection. It's a demonic virtual reality, but it's not nuts-and-bolts, in this case, flesh-and-blood creatures.
It's part of the devil's modus operandi. He has always used this kind of phenomena to, once again destabilize, to engender fear, to open us up to the possibilities of other realities and other beings and then we begin getting involved with demonic spirits.
So yeah, all through history there have been many, many different varieties of beings that are primarily spiritual beings that have terrorized civilizations and peoples and non-Christian cultures are very aware of this.

SOURCE: Raw Story 
